We make great efforts to support many charities, recognizing that our business can promote great impact on the natural environments in which we operate, and our neighbors and community of which we all are a part.

Wounded Warrior
Wounded Warrior Project ® (WWP) takes a holistic approach when serving warriors and their families to nurture the mind and body, and encourage economic empowerment and engagement. Through a high-touch and interactive approach, WWP hopes to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history.

Urban Eagles
The Charlotte Eagles have infiltrated the inner city of Charlotte, NC to seek the spiritually lost. The Urban Eagles desire to reach out through the building of boys’ soccer teams to make an impact in these urban neighborhoods. The Urban Eagles work closely with the parents of the children, and Schools, as well as Eastern Hills Baptist Church in encouraging and mentoring in the child’s physical, mental, social and spiritual development.

Children’s Attention Home
The Children’s Attention Home, Inc. believes safety is their greatest gift to children. They strive to provide quality care to help children who have suffered from child abuse in all of the various forms that manifests itself. Their emergency shelter helps heal the devastating effects of emotional, physical and mental neglect suffered by these children in our community. The Home offers love, security and respect to children not fortunate enough to find it elsewhere. A concern for others created this home to provide a safe haven for the lives entrusted in us.

National Community Church, Local Missions Protégé Program
Dan Andrews, a participant in the Missions Protégé Programs feels his mission is to encourage and edify the local and global church through personal relationship development, prayer, petition, and thanksgiving. As a Local Missions Protégé, he will be living life focused on the church’s A1:8 mission. Acts 1:8 (ESV) reads, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The basis of this mission is to indeed ACT: to address poverty by assisting the poor, address disease by caring for the sick, and to address brokenness through the transformational power of reconciliation through the cross of Christ. It is his position to learn, lead, and take initiative in carrying out this mission regarding signature issues such as human trafficking within the city, those living with HIV, homelessness, and child advocacy. Some specific ways in which this will be carried out is organizing and leading community service projects, leading after-school programs at the Southeast White House, and potentiating dignity and respect to the homeless. As a result of addressing the aforementioned signature issues of the A1:8 mission, there will be a long term generational and spiritual impact. By developing long term relationships and empowering disciples the way Christ did, as well as leading His church through His Word and Spirit, the world will come to know, see, and understand the transformational message of the Gospel.

Homes of Hope
Homes of Hope rebuilds communities through developing energy-efficient affordable housing and rebuilds the lives of men overcoming addictions through job training and mentoring. Jesus called us in Matthew 25 to be His hands and feet in meeting the needs of others. He then commissioned us in Matthew 28 to make disciples of all people. Homes of Hope exists to fulfill both of these challenges from our Lord. Our vision is to touch these lives through affordable housing, Men’s development and Financial Wellness Training.

With the help of our customers, Ace Elastomer was able to donate $3,000.00 to the PinStripes ALS Fund in Charlotte, North Carolina. Check was presented by Russell Foster at the 16th Annual Pin Stripes Golfing for Gehrig Fundraiser on September 22nd to Leigh Holt, who lost her husband to ALS in 2004. Golfing for Gehrig benefits The PinStripes Fund, which supports specialized patient care services and research at Carolinas HealthCare System’s Neuromuscular/ALS-MDA Center. Golfing for Gehrig is held in memory and honor of all patients and families whose lives have been affected by ALS and related neuromuscular diseases. We would like to extend the warmest of Thanks to all our customers who participated and sent in a video.